Friday, August 20, 2010

~ ramadhan ~

Ramadhan Mubarak everyone! May this Ramadhan bring lots of happiness and keberkatan in our life. What i like the most about this Ramadhan is tarawih, why? Hmm, because i'm doing my tarawih in Masjid Wilayah. Beautiful place and the imams was very good. One thing i like to share is about the iqamat time. This is for me the first time praying without any barrier between male and female just a rope to divide between male praying area and female praying area. So, i can see what happen around the male area, not that i enjoy looking, just looking. What makes my heart warmth is everytime the imam iqamat for isya' prayer, the men from all sides of the mosque walked towards that voice, towards the calling. Everyone moved together to the front and the view from behind it was as if they were moving towards one goal. It really makes me want to cry since this is the first time i saw such things. Why not azan time, because after azan people were scattered around to do the solat sunat.

One more thing is about sadaqah. Since the first day i prayed there, there is 1 man who will always put in a red coloured ringgit malaysia note into the tabung derma near the main door. As i observed, this happened everyday without fail and always red coloured note. I fell ashamed because i, myself did not do that often enough. It's not that i dont want to, it just at the female area there are no tabung derma ( alasan saja aina ni!) So i respect him and pray that his life will be blessed. Well, buka time is always the same every year. I have to control my 'nafsu makan' to not overeat, so not to affect my maghrib prayer. So i proudly said my control this year has been very good. ( a bit better, hehe)


ai-na : i got black eye today! MC..

Sunday, August 1, 2010

~ 1 2 3... ~

from the big, big pipes to the small, small pipes. from the mother coil turning into pipes. all have been counted and noted. a great experience and very knowledge-able! when i was first asked to be involved in the stock take, a bit furious and disgruntled because, it's on the bloody weekend, when it is actually the time i want to sleep in and lazed about! but, oh well, i'm glad i went even though it took us 12 hours to finish it, and i have to go to office earlier than i usually did. so yeah, its fun! haha

ai-na: mind and heart clashes..