Friday, May 21, 2010

~ end of.. ~

finally, after all the hard work going through the whole 2nd year (really? i thought i played all the year) and facing great obstacles (exams!!!) now is the time for rest before back to study this oct for 3rd year (aww man!). Examless till end of the year, hurrah! Now, i have to start packing all the stuff to move out and to go home! Oh, i hate packing and anything related to it..but i cant wait to go back to Malaysia, i missed everyone but certainly not the weather! haha..

last week i cant wait to finish my exams, but now that i gain my freedom i am clueless of what to do other than packing. i want to travel but not enough $$$, so i'll have to wait. i want to go here

and here

and here

and here

and lots of other places. Lots of dreams to achieve but with limited resources. That's what we called life. So, for the next few days i need to plan my day, yes!

ai-na : Life ain't easy, but it's worth living it..