Monday, January 26, 2009


i have know idea of this tag game! anyone? tag with what? i tagged muyaaa la..

Sunday, January 18, 2009

~ What should we do? ~

Been thinking a lot! Well, I’ll need some comment. In the event of the war in Gaza, Muslims are asked to boycott all Israel’s and US products. If we, all the Islamic countries stop buying goods from US, it will affect their economy and we hope it will therefore stop them from giving unnecessary funds to help the Israelis.

But, what will happen to the Muslims in the US? They also will be affected by the economy. What happen to the Muslims workers in our country? Those working in the McDonalds, Starbucks and all other company that we are suppose to boycott. Now with the recession problem affecting the world, where can they find another job when big companies are planning for strike off?

What is our responsibility toward other Muslims? What should we do in helping other Muslims around the globe?

ai-na : i care...

Friday, January 2, 2009

~3rd Intifadha'~

read most of my friends blog, everyone talked about Palestine. it hurts me whenever i came across news stating the condition of our fellow muslims there who were killed and tortured mercilessly. what should i do, what should we do?
those idiots talked about humanity and freedom, they help those people in need from around the world, let the world know that they care. but why they overlooked on what happened in Palestine? still they helped israel in destroying and killing muslims in Palestine. is these humanity? is this freedom?
the israels cut all help sent for palestine people saying those muslims are terrorist, but they asked for helped from outside to kill the palestinian. who are the terrorist actually? hamas attacked the israelis soldier but israels attack all the innocence people including womens and children which is in United States, children are to be protected. but does the americans protect the children of palestine? NO! they helped the israels to kill them by giving fund and support!
we can just pray for those muslims in Palestine, may ALLAH help them in facing whatever difficulties set upon them. pray for them to stay strong in fighting for their rights and protecting Islam.
Ya ALLAH, please protect my friends and family in Islam there in Palestine and around the world as they fight for Islam. Please help them and make them strong to fight the enemies of Islam. Amin.

ai-na : the world is nearing to an end...