Friday, September 25, 2009

~ visa oh visa ~

I went to KL on wednesday to collect my visa. The plan is to collect the visa in the morning and later pick up my stuff at the house before head back to jb in the evening. But, there some complication where i've been refused the visa and i have to submit the appeal application and so on. So much work! A one day job turn into 3 days job. Thanks so much to my dear friend Nazreena for letting me crash at her house for a night and accompanying me to do my appeal the next day. I cant thank you enough.
Thanks to Nazreena, Lzr and Yazid for the album. The album is wonderful, so sweet of you guys. Thanks a bunch. I'll never forget all the time we spent together, things we did and said. 
By the way, I am so sorry guys! Those of you who get to know the news of me fly off to UK from Naz's blog. It is not my intention to neglect toinform others but unfortunately due to time constraint and a lot of things to be taken care of, i'm late in informing. So sorry!
I received my visa today in the morning, and the british high comm said it was their fault for mistakenly understanding my application or what so ever. I dont understand myself. No matter, all went well now. Thank Allah for that. And thank you also to those who pray for me.
Packing done, so now i have free time to update my blog. Hope to see you all again in the future. Good luck, study smart and dont forget me eh!

ai-na : i'm excited but nervous. i'm sad too. i dont understand the mix feeling.   

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

~ Aidilfitri and its consequences? ~

Salam Aidilfitri to all my friends, whether you remember me or not. I am sorry for all the wrong things that i done and said, that hurt you. Please accept my apologies..
Well, it seems to be the last raya for me before I fly to UK this saturday. Since it will be the last raya, my aunt said 'aina, makan banyak2 nanti kat sana mana nak jumpa ketupat rendang ni semua.' I said 'adalah, boleh je buat sendiri. kat malaysian hall pun ada' She said again 'mana sama dengan yang kat sini' And my mum said 'true'. Ok, that is the first house! What happen when all the house i visited ask the same of me? 

so the next day, i unproudly said that one of the toilet in my aunt's house is officially mine for the whole morning.My aunt should allow me to put a name plaque on the door, my name. 15 times! 15 times i need to use the toilet and it was the worse diarrhea ever! I should heed the warning from my friend not to eat too much, huhu.
Well, later then.

ai-na : tired and hungry, but afraid to eat again!